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- Aamir Khan has a love child?

Do you know Aamir Khan has a son with her ex-girlfriend Jessica Hines? Though Aamir has never confessed this, but it is true. Aamir has a love hild with his ex-friend Jessica Hines. Jessica, a journalist, had come to work on a biography of Aamir Khan. She first met him on the sets of Vikram Bhatt directed Ghlam. They became very ood friends. Only this much was known to the media. Then all of a sudden, Hinges appeared from nowhere with a child who had a starking resemblance with the super-star. In fact the story appeared in a leading film and gossip magazine. All Aamir’s fans were in for a shock. Aamir has never spoken anything of any substance on the issue. Well it should not be surprising. Our Bollywood icons have many secret lives and something or the other always topples from their closet.