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- Why Sonu Nigam's tweet is nonsense

There is a lot of brouhaha going on about Sonu Nigam's tweet on Raadhey Maa. Well if one reads his tweet carefully then one understands that his very tweet is illogical and is based o totally wrong information. The tweet reads: "Just my 2 pence. Kaali Maa is depicted in lesser clothes than Radhey Maa. Interesting that this country wants to sue a woman for her clothes". How did he presume that Raadhey Maa is being sued because of her clothes. There is a proper complaint against her by a Mumbai-based lady allegedly for being harassed for dowry. The lady says that the self-proclaimed god woman has encouraged her in laws to harass her and ask for more dowry. Raadhey Maa alias Babbo was called to the police station and was asked to clarify her stand on the issue. And the poor lady has all the right to ask for justice and seek shelter in the rule of law. What is wrong if Baboo is called to the police station to clarify the doubts of the investigating officers. His second tweet reads: "Men Saadhus can walk naked. Dance embarrassingly, but it takes a rape charge to put them behind bars. So much for Gender equality?" Now how can one justify the god women's minis and awkward reclining positions by comparing her to a dancing god man who is now in a jail. The law of the land is such that any wrong doer has to go to jail; he is a god man, a god woman or an ordinary citizen-- doesn't matter.