Now women have another reason to smile! Health conscious teenage girls who mostly add green herbs into their diet plan can cheer up them with this good news. One research at Oregon State University (OSU) and the Oregon Health and Science University suggests that compounds found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables helps to slow the growth of breast cancer cells, especially at early stages. The findings were the result of the first clinical studies to look at the effect of sulforaphane on breast tissues of women diagnosed with breast cancer. Sulforaphane has long shown evidence of value in cancer prevention. In the new study published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research, the intake of sulforaphane did reduce HDAC activity, as well as cancer cell growth. Previous studies have found that women with a high intake of cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage or kale, have a decreased risk of breast cancer. In particular, sulforaphane appears to inhibit his tone deacetylases, or HDACs, which in turn enhances the expression of tumour suppressor genes that are often silenced in cancer cells. In recent years, breast cancer rates have risen especially quickly among women aged 65-69 and the above said vegetables if consumed daily from an early stage ,will prevent you from the risk of cancer