Chocolate Shoppe Follow your nose to Gardnerville's Chocolate Shoppe this winter, where the exorbitant amounts of savory sweets will have you going into sensory overload bliss in no time. Here, you can nosedive into holiday spirit by watching the skilled artistry involved in the chocolate-making process, and pick up a couple of sweet treats to leave out for Santa. You can score some of the best [and largest!] peppermint patties you’ve ever laid eyes on, send some sweet-and-salted caramels off to Granny or hoard the shop's signature confection all to yourself and get your hands on their peppermint bark. Because we all know everything is better with peppermint bark. Release your inner 5-year-old and go bonkers in Chocolate Shoppe, and slip into that deep, dark chocolate coma you’ve been dreaming of. We all know you want to.