Have you remembered when last time you allowed your dear son to enjoy in autumn rain or play in the mud with his friend? I am sure it will pain your head but you cannot recall any single moment when you allow your kid to enjoy the beauty of nature. This is not happened to you only in fact somewhere within all of us we all behave in the same manner. We parents are so overprotective towards our kids that unknowingly we are in a race to snatch that happiness from their face. We brought costly iPods, smart phones to them but never allow them to play in the lap of nature as we and you did in our childhood days. Do not you think they missed that fun in their life? You might never noticed this fact but it will leave you in shock when you get to know that these practice of modern twenty first century parents force their child to be shy, dependent and coward. And the simple reason is our over protectiveness. So here let’s discuss what are those dos and don’ts which become barrier in the development of our kids.