Hip Thrust or Glute Bridge: One of the most effective exercises to tone-up hips. This exercise will give you a toned butt, a reduced waist size, an enhanced back and strong thighs. This movement also heals your back pain. To increase the intensity you can increase the weight on the barbell. You can also try putting your feet on a stepper and then performing the movement. Do's: • Lie down on the edge of the bench and your shoulder placed on the bench. • Placement of Feet on the ground and knee should make an angel of 90 degree • Your body weight in the position supported by your shoulder blades and your feet • The barbell should be directly above your hips • Flex and extend the hip joint by moving the body up and down • Choose weight according to your fitness level • Be aware of your movement and posture Don'ts: • Feet placements should not go beyond 90 degree angle from the knee joints. • Do not perform any jerking and bouncy movements • Putting the bar towards chest • Not doing the full range of motion.