Tag: SP
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K. Palaniswami announced that the mortal remains of famous playback singer and Padma awardee S.P. Balasurahmanyam, popularly known as SPB or Balu in the cine world and who recorded over 40,000 songs in 16 languages over a period of five decades, will be laid to rest with full police honours to add to his fame and glory as he had found a place in the hearts of the people across India. ....
The Delhi High Court will from October 5 hear on day-to-day basis the ED and CBI appeals against the acquittal of the accused in the 2G spectrum case.....
Irked over non-payment of salaries, doctors and staff members of North Delhi Municipal Corporation's Hindu Rao hospital have warned the authorities that they would hold an indefinite protest if their three-months' dues are not released immediately. ....
Samajwadi Party (SP) workers on Friday faced a lathicharge when they were marching towards the Gandhi statue here to observe a silent 'satyagraha' in protest against the alleged deterioration in law and order, rising crime against women, unemployment and the recent farm and labour laws. ....
While the ruling party is engaged in turning the battle for Bihar Assembly elections 2020 as 15 years versus 15 years (15 years of NDA compared to 15 years of the RJD government), the main opposition party Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) is targeting the Nitish government on the issues of corruption and law and order. ....
US President Donald Trump is being moved to the nation's premier military hospital in Washington from where he will be working for the next few days, according to his Spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany. ....
Azerbaijan's second-largest city, Ganja, has been shelled by Armenian forces, as heavy clashes continue over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh enclave.....
Irked over non-payment of salaries, doctors and staff members of North Delhi Municipal Corporation's Hindu Rao Hospital have decided to sit on indefinite agitation from Monday onwards. The emergency services will, however, operate smoothly. ....
A 30-year-old hospital worker was killed and two others injured at Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences' Covid centre here when an incomplete parapet wall collapsed and fell on persons on the ground. ....
Budget carrier SpiceJet will launch non-stop flights connecting Delhi and Mumbai with London's Heathrow airport starting December 4.....